搜索NC Small Fruit, Specialty Crop, and Tobacco IPM

Monday, January 17, 2011


在北卡罗来纳州国王山的Killdeer Farms田间工作一个月后,Sentinel Blackberry植物。这些植物用于确定黑莓病毒感染的时机。照片:HJB

2011年冬季发行Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium现在的小水果新闻在线的。特别感兴趣的是一篇有关制定黑莓和覆盆子的营销和研究计划的文章,该项目由北美覆盆子和黑莓协会,以及一篇文章ioannis tzanetakis,,,,University of Arkansas, and colleagues detailing new virus findings in blackberries. The role of my lab in this virus project is to help determine potential vectors by tracking insect movement in relation to disease transmission. Our first set of traps and sentinel plants were placed in四月2010,我们在十月完成了第一个野外赛季。


Kevin Littlejohn, a research technician in my lab, has been busily processing insect traps all winter and will be identifying our findings to species as well as identifying viruses in sentinel plants. This project has been funding by the USDA专业作物研究计划(SCRI),并将继续至少3个野外季节。

Small Fruit News, Vol 11. Issue 1.


Management tools for spotted wing drosophila in NC


这first step to managing SWD is确定它是否存在于您的农场还是花园中。我们已经在NC和SC的13个县发现了SWD,但是我们一直在监视24个地点,并且在所有可能的水果生长区域中都没有陷阱。这意味着:1。某些位置尚未有SWD,2。有些位置可能有SWD,我们可能还没有检测到。

2010 NC和SC SWD监视位置(蓝点)和带有SWD陷阱捕获的县。图:HJB

Growers and gardeners should work with their county extension agents (or myself) to trap for and identify SWD. See这里在北卡罗来纳州找到您的县推广代理。建议在位置进行第一次检测来确认专家识别确认,以确保SWD与本机不混淆Drosophilaspecies. See the NC Small Fruits, Special Crop, and Tobacco IPMSWD页面for links to SWD identification guides.


我已经适应了概况表,列出了注册,商业杀虫剂及其对SWD的可能影响Oregon State University entomologistsfor North Carolina. Links to these factsheets are provided below. The insecticides listed are registered for commerical fruit production, not for use by homeowners. Cultural controls may be sufficient to reduce SWD damage in gardens. If not, contact your cooperative extension agent for pesticide recommendations. The information provided in these factsheets does not replace the insecticide label. The label must be followed at all times; it's the law!

Insecticides registered for use in蓝莓和their potential use against SWD
Insecticides registered for use incaneberries和their potential use against SWD
Insecticides registered for use ingrapes和their potential use against SWD
Insecticides registered for use in草莓和their potential use against SWD


Presentation from the SE Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference

I have been attending the北美覆盆子和黑莓协会(纳尔巴)年度会议Southeastern Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference在佐治亚州萨凡纳。除了参加Southern Region Small Fruit Consortiumpest identification agent training, I presented to the NARBA general session on Thursday, January 6th. I discussedSWDrange, biology, monitoring, and management. Much of the information I discussed with generously shared by researchers on the west coast, where SWD has been present longer. In particular,Frank Zalom(UC Davis),鲍勃·范·斯特威克(Bob Van Steenwyk)(加州大学伯克利分校),丹尼·布鲁克(Denny Bruck)Jana Lee(USDA-ARS),以及Amy Dreves(Oregon State University) provided valuable content.

You can download the slides from my NARBA presentation这里。这是一个大文件,保存为PDF。


Thursday, January 6, 2011



一月11, 12pm. Coastal Plain tobacco production meeting.Rocky Mount Farmers Market,岩石山,北卡罗来纳州。主题:新的农药及其使用,季末昆虫管理。130名与会者。

1月13日,下午12点。Lenoir县烟草生产会议。Lenoir County Center,金斯顿,北卡罗来纳州。主题:新的农药及其使用,季末昆虫管理。90名与会者

1月18日,下午5点。万斯,富兰克林和牛津县烟草生产会议。Aycock娱乐中心,亨德森,北卡罗来纳州。主题:新的农药及其使用,季末昆虫管理。125 attendees.

一月19, 11am. Alamance, Person, Caswell, and Rockingham County tobacco production meeting. Yancyville, NC. Topic: New pesticides and their use, Late season insect management. Contact罗杰·科布,Alamance County NCCE,以获取位置信息。130名与会者。

1月24日,上午10点。福赛斯,斯托克斯和萨里县烟草生产会议。Forsyth County Center,温斯顿·塞勒姆,北卡罗来纳州。NC。主题:新的农药及其使用,季末昆虫管理。

1月27日,下午6点。克雷文县烟草会议。Craven County Center,新伯尔尼,北卡罗来纳州。主题:新的农药,TSWV工具:TRIPS预测网站和治疗时机,季末昆虫管理。

一月28, 12pm. Wayne County tobacco production meeting.韦恩县中心,,,,Goldsboro, NC. Topic: New pesticides and their use, Late season insect management.

一月11-12. Blueberry Open House.桑普森县农业公开中心,克林顿,北卡罗来纳州。我将在12日介绍,并将讨论SWD蓝莓马戈特。我的实验室硕士学生雪莱·罗杰斯(Shelley Rogers)将分享她工作第一年的结果授粉媒介的多样性和蓝莓效率在11日。50 attendees.

一月15. SunnyRidge Growers Meeting. Orlando, FL. Topic:SWD监视和管理。80名与会者。

Grape meetings

Canebery Meetings
2月22日。上午2:15。第四届北卡罗莱纳州商业黑莓和覆盆子种植者协会会议。山地园艺作物研究站,,,,Mills River, NC. I will provide an insect update and discussSWD

2月22日上午10点。植物,害虫和病原体,NCSU为大师园丁和其他人提供了网络研讨会。看这里for details on joining the webinar. I will be speaking onSWD家庭园丁的身份和管理。I'll be joining remotely from Mills River, NC, where I will be attending the 4th Annual NC Commercial Blackberry and Raspberry Growers Association Meeting.


现在接受2011年Flue Chered和Burley烟草生产和营销短期课程的申请

NCSU Entomology research plots at the Upper Coastal Plain Research Station, Rocky Mount, NC during the 2010 Flue Cured Tobacco Tour. Photo: M.J. Rivera

现在,正在接受2011年烟气治愈和Burley烟草生产和营销短期课程的应用程序。每年1周的短期课程由NC烟草基金会并向NC烟草种植者,合作推广代理商,研究站人员开放。短期课程为1月31日至2月4日。今年,该课程将访问我们的烟草合作社,并在北卡罗来纳州立大学教职员工(包括我本人)的烟草生产基础上进行演讲。在课程的最后一天,参与者将参加NC烟草种植者协会年会。 Twenty five (25) participants will be selected. Applications are due January 6, 2011但必须由1月3日允许代理商进行审查和签名。可以找到更多信息的申请表这里



Tobacco Growers Information Portal

NC州立大学为烟草种植者和同事开发了在线资源。这烟草种植者信息门户has agronomic, economic, pest management, and curing information. The online format allows us to present production and management information beyond the Tobacco Information Guides. Spearheaded byBlake Brown北卡罗来纳州立大学农业与资源经济学系,该门户包括来自Mina Mila(NCSU植物病理),格兰特·埃灵顿(NCSU生物学和农业工程),Loren Fisher(NCSU作物科学)和Sandy Stewart(NCSU Crop Sciences).


Friday, December 10, 2010

Final 2010 SWD Webinar Now Available

我们今天早上刚刚举办了2010年的最后一次SWD Elluminate网络研讨会,录音可用这里。You will need the session password (果蝇)要登录。在本网络研讨会中,我介绍了国家和区域研究更新,并讨论未来的方向。

Recordings of SWD webinars 1 and 2 can be found这里这里, 分别。

SWDWebinar 3
SWDWebinar 2
SWDWebinar 1

