Search NC Small Fruit, Specialty Crop, and Tobacco IPM



国家传粉媒介周 is June 21-27th. This is an opportunity to learn more about the insects (and some vertebrates) that make our fruits and vegetables possible. Pollinator Week events in NC include the 约翰斯顿县传粉媒介节在2010年6月26日上午9:00至下午4:00举行的Howell Woods环境学习中心。活动包括传粉媒介花园之旅,手工艺品,制作蜜蜂筑巢束,与供应商和养蜂人一起访问:“本地传粉媒介的嗡嗡声是什么?”课程和养蜂演讲。加入他们参加一个计划,或者整天出来。带上野餐午餐,查看现场动物展览,探索自然径,并体验豪威尔·伍兹(Howell Woods)的美丽。此事件不收取任何费用。Howell Woods环境学习中心位于6601 Devil的赛车场路,北卡罗来纳州27524。有关更多信息,请通过McDougaldk@howellwoods.org或(919)938-0115与Katrina McDougald联系。115.在www.howellwoods.org上了解有关Howell Woods的更多信息。

在过去的两年中,我们的实验室对传粉媒介多样性和效率产生了浓厚的兴趣。由David Tarpy和I共同顾问的MS学生Shelley Rogers正在研究 pollination ecology 东南蓝莓农业生态系统。雪莱和我将在T上分享这项工作的初步结果 heNorth American Blueberry Research & Extension Workers Conference在七月。我们希望扩大我们的传粉媒介工作,以包括其他生产系统,包括蔗糖,谁的授粉需求和我们了解的授粉媒介。



Fireflies are one of the (many) reasons I am glad to be back east of the Mississippi. They do not occur in California, where I did graduate work, and summer just isn't summer without them!



Small Fruits Field Day - June 22

The NC State Small Fruits Field Day is scheduled for June 22nd at theSandhills研究站in Jackson Springs, NC. This will be a twilight meeting, beginning with dinner at 5:00pm. The schedule is being confirmed, but will include presentations on muscadine grapes, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries from entomology (me and others), plant pathology (Bill Cline), and horticulture (lots of folks).

A busy few weeks


Sunday, May 9, 2010


最近,关于今年春天的速度,愤怒和奇妙的北卡罗来纳州草莓农作物的消息有很多消息。我有发表关于几乎压倒性的收获Central Crops Research Station,在接下来的几周内看起来会放慢一点。实际上,北卡罗来纳州的大多数繁重的草莓采摘都应该在5月底尾随。这对我的研究计划很有好处,因为我们每年的这个时候都会转向蓝莓,黑莓和烟草,但不一定是种植者或消费者耳朵的音乐。在2010年,我们没有看到较低的产量,只是一种更集中的作物。

这个短季节具有种植者应该意识到的一些直接的害虫管理影响。首先是我们关键的草莓节肢动物害虫twospotted spider mites。今年春天,我只从一个种植者接到蜘蛛螨问题的电话!您都对您的管理计划感到满意,或者是温和的一年。我的钱落在后来,因为直到4月中旬,我们在中央农作物的研究地点才有单个蜘蛛螨,即使那样,我们仍必须手动侵扰才能产生我们的阈值和功效试验所需的数字。低蜘蛛螨的数量是由于几个因素造成的:寒冷的冬季天气减少了螨虫种群,产生了非常坚固,健康的植物。健康的植物没有像压力的植物那样高的螨虫种群,并且可以更好地容忍自己的种群。快速的果实季节也降低了TSSM的重要性。与年轻植物相比,果草莓植物可以忍受更高的螨虫数量。最后,快速收获的季节可能使使用肉芽素不必要。即使是最有效的常规型?也需要2-3周的全部功效,因为它们在所有螨虫生命阶段作用。 When it appears our season will be winding down in that same amount of time, a miticide treatment is probably not advised. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule, and I encourage growers and agents to contact me with questions.


lygus bugs是of the same ilk as thrips this season. We will be out of strawberry harvest before they are likely to be an issue.

最后,sap beetles。These late season pests may rear their ugly heads in 2010 not because we have a long field season which will stretch into to heat of summer but instead because the sheer volume of fruit in a short period of time may result in less thorough picking by both employees and customers. Sanitation is crucial for sap beetle control and is often sufficient by itself. Chemical controls should be our last option, but they are available.

Hall Berry Farm的WBTV夏洛特
北卡罗来纳州克莱顿市中心作物研究站的WRAL和BARCLAY POLING博士
WECT's Strawberry Festival Coverage
在该领域on strawberries in NCDA's Food to School Program


Rockingham County horticulture agent 凯瑟琳·福尔摩斯 first brought this video to my attention last month in an email where she asked "do we need to worry about these"?

我很快就向这些是幼虫发出了答复 thrips (probably eastern flower thrips), which we most certainly have in NC but are nothing to worry about and certainly do not warrant washing your strawberries in soap. We do not typically see fruit injury from thrips in NC strawberries, so I do not generally recommend pesticide treatment for these insects. See 这个帖子 从春季早些时候进行蓟马。但是,我不知道该视频已被其他来源捡起,直到我在草莓农作物上搜索当地媒体故事并找到了WRAL新闻博客作者 莫妮卡·拉利伯特(Monica Laliberte)post在同一主题上。由于此信息正在更广泛地传递,因此我决定写一篇简短的帖子,以澄清可能感兴趣的人的视频。

该视频是由Star-K犹太认证,,,,a company that assists businesses in receiving kosher certification for food products.最多昆虫not犹太洁食,,,,which explains why they are interested in removing insects. What does this mean for the rest of us who do not keep a kosher diet? Nothing new! We do not have any new non native thrips species recorded recently from NC strawberries, which means that the insects that may be present on our fruit are the same as have always been there. Many thrips are generalist omnivores--they feed on pollen, plants, and even the eggs of other pest insects. The larvae are present on strawberries because the eggs they hatched from were laid there. They will feed for 1-2 weeks (depending on the weather) and then molt to adults themselves and move on to the next host. Thrips are present in numerous other places in the environment--in flowers, in your lawn, on your peaches, and on your house plants--like many other arthropods.

Strawberries are not washed before packing (to do so would dramatically shorten shelf life), and a good water rinse will remove field dirt and insects. Those that are not removed are ultimately harmless. I know I would much rather eat a strawberry rinsed in water with a few remaining thrips (or mites) than one covered in soap residue or one treated with unnecessary pesticides used to assuage the fears of consumers coming across a video like the one above!




5月5日,星期三,我和安娜(Anna)前往北卡罗来纳州斯托克斯县(Stokes County),在2010年的农场烟草试验中移植我们的最后一次!这是一个繁忙的移植季节,我们的地面上有很多烟草。

  1. Soil insecticide efficacy (wireworms, flea beetles, and aphids) -Border Belt Tobacco Research Station
  2. Tobacco splitworm larval performance trials -坎宁安研究站Oxford Tobacco Research Station
  3. 杀虫剂运动和寿命(2个试验) -坎宁安研究站Upper Coastal Plain Research Station
  4. Aphid threshold revision trials -坎宁安研究站,,,,Upper Coastal Plain Research StationOxford Tobacco Research Station
  5. 种子生产中的烟草芽虫管理 -坎宁安研究站和On farm in Forsyth County
  6. TSWV和TRWIPS飞行正时试验 - 在Craven&Duplin县的一个位置的农场上
  7. 烟草条纹病毒管理试验 - 在李县农场
  8. 鳞翅目(烟草芽虫和黄蜂)的管理 - 在斯托克斯县的农场

如您所见,我们正在进行各种各样的项目。我们将在2010年解决的一些关键问题是移植水应用的功效和寿命 Coragen ,测试Coragen和Belt的其他新型应用,并测试新的未注册农药。硕士的学生莫妮克·里维拉(Monique Rivera phthorimaea operculella). Doctoral student Richard Reeves will be heading up our pesticide movement and longevity trials as well as beginning his work on economic threshold revisions with aphids.


